castel santangelo made of rome sustainable souvenirs

Castel Sant’Angelo: A Fortress of Travertine and Roman Legacy

Perched majestically on the banks of the Tiber River, Castel Sant’Angelo stands as a symbol of Rome’s layered history. From its beginnings as Emperor Hadrian’s mausoleum to its later use as a papal fortress, this iconic structure has undergone several transformations, yet, its core remains deeply connected to the ancient materials that built Rome, including travertine.

The Foundation of Travertine

Constructed in 135 AD as a tomb for Hadrian and his family, Castel Sant’Angelo is heavily composed of travertine, the same type of stone used for the Colosseum and many other Roman landmarks. Travertine, quarried from Tivoli, is not just a symbol of durability but also of the timeless elegance that defines Rome’s ancient architecture. Its light hues and porous texture give the castle a raw, imposing beauty that has endured the wear and tear of centuries.

A Fortress Through the Ages

Though originally a mausoleum, the building took on new life in the Middle Ages, when it was fortified into a military bastion. Travertine played a crucial role here, reinforcing the structure’s resilience against attacks and invasions. Over time, Castel Sant’Angelo became a refuge for popes, connected by a secret passageway to the Vatican (the Passetto di Borgo), allowing them to flee in times of peril.

The Eternal Stone

Walking around Castel Sant’Angelo today, it’s easy to spot the travertine that still defines much of its outer façade. The stone’s subtle, pale glow contrasts beautifully against the darkened bricks and marble, reflecting the Roman sun and reminding visitors of the enduring legacy of the Eternal City.

From Tomb to Icon

Now a museum, Castel Sant’Angelo offers visitors a journey through time, from ancient Rome to the Renaissance and beyond. Its travertine foundation is a reminder that no matter how much Rome changes, its roots run deep, tied to the stone that has built some of the city’s most enduring monuments.

Discover Travertine in Every Corner of Rome

If you’re enchanted by the timeless allure of travertine, look closely at Castel Sant’Angelo, the Colosseum, and countless other Roman sites. Each stone tells a story of emperors, popes, and the city’s evolution across millennia.